In the everything old is new again
department, check out the Daily Bugle headline in the larger
image of this portfolio plate from 1981...
Although you'd never know by the way 99.9% of the
internet chugs along, it's extraordinarily difficult to shill with
enthusiasm at -20°F. We've been off the grid (as the
youngsters say) for several months because while we're used to not
feeling anything in our
hearts, when we can't feel anything in our extremities, the F&L
propaganda machine grinds to a halt.
is not to say things aren't happening, as these latest various and
sundry bulletins from the World HQ should attest...

Our new home page features Steve's re-configuring of his painting based
on a Haunted House of Lingerie sketch...

On the original artwork front, while fantasy babes have been our main
deal for many years, we started our careers as superhero fans, and learned a lot about art from the comics. Recent comic book inspired commissions have
allowed us to get back into the subject matter that made us want to
draw and paint
in the first place. With the advantage of kind of knowing what we're
doing this time.
As artists with a small "a" (and
bank accounts with a small "b"), we have no problem with commissioners
who want to see us rework a classic cover (like X-Men #1)...

Oh, how we love the non-Dave-Cockrum X-Men!
...or recreate a favorite cover with a
slightly different cast
of characters (not too long ago, we recreated the cover of Marvel Team-Up #11 with Black Bolt vs. the FF,
of Spidey and the Inhumans.)
More recently we completed a reworking of the
cover of Avengers #71...

Copyright 2014 Marvel
with a few comely but
invaders from the DC universe and the Scarlet Witch replacing
Sub-Mariner, Yellowjacket and the Panther...

(which is a pretty good trade-off, if you ask us...)
Before the present Mini Ice Age set in, we were discussing recent
Spider-Man commissions, and alluded to Rich's favorite single Spidey
comic of
all time, which, no, doesn't turn out to feature the Rampaging Rhino, smart guys.
It's the very first 72-Page
Annual, with Ditko's spellbinding,
full-page, mano-a-mano confrontations between Spidey and Dr. Octopus'
apocalyptic Sinister Six.
You'll recall that in this supremely riveting story, Doc Ock kidnaps
Brant and Aunt May, and arranges for Spidey -- in order to save them --
to have to fight and
defeat the Six indvidually and in a prescribed order, because each
holds a card containing the location of the next, with Doc himself
waiting to finish off a theoretically depleted wall-crawler, should he
make it to the end of the line.
Spidey ultimately wins out, the Six are incarcerated, and Rich is left
drained. From behind bars Doc concludes that next time they should
probably attack Spidey as a unit.
Well, yeah.
Having previously commissioned a
remake of the Green
Goblin painting from our 1982 Spidey Portfolio, Joe Miritello decided
would be interesting to see the F&L version of the Six piling on en masse, and, still riding a
Goblin high, he suggested we throw in GG for good measure.

You-know-who vs. the Sinister Seven!
Which we did with a mixture
of relish and dread, since in our book eight major characters in close
combat is kind of a recipe for compositional disaster. But we more or
less pulled it off, we're pretty sure, and even managed to reference
the billboard from the portfolio painting.
Speaking of our 80's
portfolios, here are
the originals from a few plates in our X-Men sets. All have recently
changed hands for amounts in the mid four figures, which by us is
serious walking-around money. So while we have no idea what it was, we
must have partially known what we were doing lo, those many years
Here's The Savage Land, from the first portfolio and Rich's too much coffee period...

Move over, Henri Rousseau...
Chaotic, ain't it? Thirty years later, we're
still pretty happy
with the eternally pissed-off Wolverine clawing his way through the
pterodactl's wing. However, while Rich has always had permission to
add a few finishing touches to our paintings, this was probably the
first and
last time he was allowed anywhere near hair.
speaking of compositions that walk the fine line between unsuccessful
yeah, we meant to do that, here, from the second portfolio, is The
Danger Room...

Rich: "I was working too large, and the
got away from me. Happy?"
They say that since the
viewer's eye is naturally drawn roughly to the center of a composition,
the artist should be positioning significant elements -- or at least something
worth looking at -- there. Which, you can argue, we failed to do in
this case. Unless you consider Kitty Pryde's feet significant, which
we're pretty sure one or two of you do. But the point is, all the
action here takes place around the perimeter. Where your eye wants to
go, there's not a whole lot going on. Which is kind of zen, if you ask
Here's our painting of the Wolverine, also from the second X-man

See how much better Rich's compositional
skills are when he isn't doing a zillion
characters all up in each other's grille?
seems to enjoy this one. We think we managed to
capture in his expresion the essence of the character, which would be
his unwavering
interest in killing stuff until it's significantly beyond the point of
regular deadness.
Also -- although he's unquestionably aces at dramatic lighting -- this
may have been the last painting Steve was
allowed to sign.
In convention news, here we
are having a whee of a time at the last Fallcon...

Note the bleeding edge technical sophistication of our display. No
expense was spared in finding a big sheet of cardboard and a couple of
telescoping tripods. Steve is working furiously on a commission, while
Rich, if his expression is any indication, gets ready to put an entire
sandwich in his face.

We can't stress enough how much fun these Spring and Fall MCBA
conventions are, so if you find yourself in Minneapolis at the
appropriate time, eschew the Edward Hopper exhibit at the Walker (he
won't be doing $40 con sketches, we're pretty sure) and join us at the
Fairgrounds, where there'll be plenty of free parking and an equal
number of free F&L signatures, bon mots, and insights into the
human condition.
Just a week or so after Springcon, we'll be
the artist guests at the second edition of
a celebration of SF, fantasy and
folklore in British movies, media and literature, with special emphasis
this year on Magic & Mystery, two things nobody does better than
our pale and reserved compatriots across the water.

We probably won't be discussing our version
of the British version of the Avengers...
Spirited discussions of Holmes,
Hammer and Hobbits, as well as Daleks out the wazoo, will be the order
of the day.

Painting & miraculous
Beatles LP inspired
layout by Steve -- wouldn't this look better
on your chest than that Bangerz Tour tee?
We'll be talking about our
British movie and comics influences, and
defiling the huckster area with our colonist wares. We also provided
the Beatles-inspired art for what will likely be the biggest challenge
any local t-shirt printing facility has faced in a while; F&L
completists take note!
It's back!

Due to overwhelming demand and the arrival of a fresh stack
of minty copies from our long-suffering publisher,
the Tricks & Treats Harcover
Special --
wherein Steve & Rich add an original signed color pencil sketch to
the front endpaper of this already-beyond-nifty volume -- is available
once again.

These aren't five minute doodles of
Batman's head -- we spend a couple
of hours on each one, and they're buffed to a high enough sheen that
we've used two (with minor Photoshopping) as covers in our Pocket
Pal series (including the latest issue).
If you've ever hankered to own an F&L original (signed
by both F and L), this is the most economical -- and interactive, since
you choose the character -- way to do it. At conventions, we do a lot
of these right at our table, and since that season doth approach, it
may not be long
before we're sold out again. If you've ever wanted to see our version
of Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld,
here, once again, is your chance.
Attention F&L correspondents: our postal address has changed.
Please update your Rolodexes!
We're now on Deviant Art,
where we'll have the opportunity to interact with other like-minded
humans, if we can remember how.
While the depiction of babes is never far from what's left of our
minds, we recently revisited a few of the classic Marvel superheroes
that got us excited about
comics and fantasy art in the first place, thanks to some like-minded
art commissioners.
Casual observers of the F&L saga may not remember that in the early
80's we produced several sets of Marvel portfolio plates for SQP (40 years in the biz and still kicking --
happy anniversary, boys!), including Spider-Man, X-Men and the
(The Avengers and Fantastic Four were on deck, and we did paintings for
the FF featuring the Skrulls, Dr. Doom, Galactus, and, no kidding, a
Sunday spin in the Fantasti-Car with Franklin Richards. Those
portfolios were never printed, but aside from the gigantic size of the
originals and the nearly unsolvable mystery (to Rich) of how the
Thing's lumpy surface worked, it was a great experience.)
A few months ago, Joseph Miritello commissioned us to recreate the Green Goblin
plate from the Spidey portfolio -- which we enjoyed and got all misty
about. (Or would have, if we were capable of human emotion.)

Then he suggested the really interesting idea of depicting the
immediate aftermath of the scene, which we figured would play out
Moving a NYC borough or so over...
The cover of Marvel Team-Up #11 made a lasting
impression on another of our recent commissioners...

© 2013
...who asked us to recreate it with Black Bolt's sonic havoc being
visited on the FF instead of Spidey and the Inhumans...
PH Rich another shot at Ben's plate-like epidermis, and allowing
Steve to revisit one of his favorite effects, concentric circles. We're
big fans of the Inhumans, and hope to get around to the rest of them
eventually (especially the delectible Medusa, and the even more
enchanting Lockjaw.)
The loveable Kong in our latest homepage design was originally done for
our good friend Ed (thanks again for helping us move the World HQ twice,
Eddie -- unfortunately, neither check is in the mail), for a
corporate event he was running in Las Vegas in February of 1993...

In the midst of preparing for the project, Steve went to get a
photocopy of Rich's pencils (no scanners. printers or
computer at the HQ in '93) at the nearest xerox machine -- in the art
downstairs from our studio, slipped on the ice and broke his
drawing arm. This did not stop him
from completing the painting.
The art was done at his usual 11" X 17" size, but since the booth
design required Kong to "appear" at a 10' X 15' second story window of a
full-size "house" right there on the convention floor (corporateland
must have been a lot more fun in the 90's), it was blown up somewhere
around here into a giant vinyl wall
hanging, rolled, and shipped to LV (no sending electronic files across
country for us, remember.)
was supposed to be delivered to the convention center, but somehow
ended up at
a warehouse near the airport. Ed and Rich drove out in a rental car,
threaded the giant rolled up vinyl monkey through the rear driver side
window, over the front seat and up against the windshield. Since there
was still a few feet of Kong protruding from the car, they drove the
side streets as fast as possible back into town. Fun
times in the pre-digital era!

It's time to remind everyone about the one fall comics convention to do
when you're only doing one, which would be FallCon 2013, on October
5th, from 10am to 5pm in the Education Building on the storied
Minnesota State

courtesy Charles Dam
Here we are at the
iteration of said event. Have you ever seen two guys having more fun in
your life? That's because we're not there so much to coax the last
fiver out of your wallet (although, coincidentally, we do have
items that could be acquired just
that inexpensively)
as we are to offer the total immersive F&L experience, including
free signatures, snappy banter, and the opportunity to feign
interest in artists who were born right around the same time as your
Oh, the holding-forth that will transpire, assuming we've had enough
Among the guests -- and there's always a mtric ton of extremely
talented, offbeat creators -- this year's special guest is Mark Waid,
whose work we personally are especially fond of because it isn't by a
British guy.
And then there are the comics, graphic novels and assorted related
materials, which are not only legion, but priced more-than-fairly by
friendly, knowledgeable (and at FallCon, this
isn't a contradiction in terms!) dealers.
Admission is only $8, $7 with a non-perishable food item, and kids 9
and under get in free.
Also coming up shortly (Oct. 18-20) is the one show of the year we
attend mostly as fans: Arcana 43,
the Twin Cities' laid back, always entertaining convention for fans of
the dark fantastic in fiction and film.

Arcana's Guest of Honor this year is artist Tim
whose fantasy art credentials are far flung and weighty. His drawings
instrumental in shaping the golden age of fantasy and SF fandom, his
master's thesis became the first Tolkien calendar, he's done extensive
design work for Disney, and he's won five fricking Hugo awards. He'll
be displaying original art and discussing his work in this rare
appearance, and we urge you to take the opportunity to get up close
and personal with a towering figure in the realm of imaginative
Arcana's host hotel is the Best Western located in Bandana Square (trains!),
just off Energy Park Drive in St Paul. Admission, which includes the
riotous Saturday night auction, panels, interviews and presentations,
food- and beverage-like items and undying (or at least, undead)
comraderie, is $35 through Oct. 1, and $40 at the door.
And, guess what? We're not quite
through flogging stuff! The fifth edition of Pocket Pal is now
officially available... well as the
first ever F&L mini, based on our painting Cold Chill.
Remember: ars longa, vita brevis
(to say nothing of carus...)

Details on
these and other must-have items here.
Steve's latest spooky TV homepage pays tribute to Rod Serling's Night Gallery,
which we always enjoyed for the surreal introductory paintings, if not
the leisure-suited thespians in the segments themselves.

is finally back on its meds here at F&L World HQ, after having
been a snow-and-ice spewing psychotic bitch for much of the last month.
And none too soon, since it's almost time for
the latest iteration of SpringCon.

It's their 25th anniversary, so lucky attendees should look not only
for Steve and Rich at the F&L table, but also an unholy mess of
extra-special events, surprise guests and one-of-a-kind giveaways to
supercharge the already almost unbearably lively proceedings...

...not the least of which will be a passel of randomly distributed
original sketch cards, including several
by us.

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Howard Chaykin are on the guest list, and
those guys alone are worth the price of admission. So stop by, worship
briefly at their feet, and then swing by our modest setup, where you
observe signing, sketching and fighting to the death over who gets the
last Fortress
of Solitude doughnut.
they're careful, SpringCon attendees will witness the world premiere of
the latest volume in our continuing series of little baby sketchbooks,
Pocket Pal 5.

PP5 is another disquieting excursion through the brain cells of Steve,
where busty nose art babes, mighty (but not -- so far -- "Mighty")
heroes and mythical entities of all types are rendered with frightening
conviction and meticulous attention to detail.

This ain't the hastily thrown together booklet you paid more than you
wanted to for at that other convention that one time.

This is Pocket Pal V, the latest in an illustrious line of carefully
assembled miniature sketchbooks you've been more than happy to pay
more than you wanted to for!

As always, each copy is signed in glittering gold-colored ink by
both Steve and (for some reason) Rich, and is one of a strictly limited
edition of 500.

You absolutely cannot go wrong with
purchasing a copy, unless you
immediately thereafter (as so often happens at conventions) come across
something else for $10 that you'd rather have.
Here's another reason to fall by the F&L nerve center at SpringCon:
we'll be displaying the first mini from Junk Robot's Damsels of
Darkmyre series.
That would be "Allison", inspired by our painting,
"Cold Chill".

She's tiny (32mm, or about 1.5"), pewter, and nicely
detailed enough to capture your heart, if you're sufficiently weird in
the relationship department.
Comics lost a great cartoonist and true Southern Gent a few weeks ago
Bill Fugate.

Bill may ahve been best known for his C.C.
Beck invoking rendition of Thunder Girl, for
Big Bang Comics
Bill had a polished, immediately engaging style that snapped like a
whip; we would have sold a set of grandparents to
be able to ink like him.

He created, wrote and drew Super Frankenstein,
synthesizing his love for classic monsters, heroes,
and general weirdness, also for Big Bang
And any remaining relatives
for his lettering abilities, which were far beyond those of mortal

One of a series of three legendary classic comic
bag art images Bill created for the College of
Comic Book Knowledge
Bill had a refreshingly irony-free take on heroes, funny animals,
robots -- even horror. His zombie strip, Some of My Best Friends are Dead, was suitable for undeadophiles of
all ages.

You can see more of Bill's
comics work here,
get a sense of his pithy observational style on this Youtube comments page.


Mini inspired by
our Barbarian Babes portfolio plate...
Robot's Damsels of Darkmyre Kickstarter project has wrapped, and --
to put this modestly, since we didn't do any of the real work -- it did
pretty gosh darn well.

Lil' demons run
amok in this sculpted reimagining of our Tricks & Treats cover
Over the last month, the
tireless bots at
JR posted continuous design and sculpt updates on their Kickstarter
page, as an enthusiastic (1,500+ comments and counting) cohort
of backers watched the minis being developed and refined in real

Now it can be told:
she's wearing pants (at least, the mini version is...)! Based on our
"Cold Chill" painting
They ended up meeting their
original funding goal more than ten
times over, and what was originally envisioned as a set of three
miniatures inspired by F&L babe imagery has blown up into more than
20 minis, a limited garage kit, t-shirts, shot glasses, and
an off-Broadway play.

Our bounty hunter
babe get the full-length treatment in this mini sculpt.
We're kidding about the play,
but the rest is for real. Head on over to the KS
page and have a look.

*'s a look at Junk Robot's interpretation of Steve's dragon babe
from the top of the page...
lot of artists would be smart enough not to try to recreate a painting
they'd originally done thirty years earlier -- but not us, of course.

collector and Spidey aficionado Joseph Miritello recently acquired two
the four originals we did for the 1981 Spider-Man portfolio, and
got in touch to ask if we'd be interested in recreating a third --
Spidey vs. Green Goblin.
rarely (which is to say, never) work as large these days as we did back
then, and of course our style has changed considerably -- so there
was some apprehension, wailing, teeth-gnashing, and a special sacrifice
to the dark gods of successful frisketing -- but at the end of the day,
everyone (especially us) was floored by how well the painting turned

requested a couple of small detail changes to the original 80's design
-- so small that we wonder if you can spot them. (Hint: the color
difference isn't one of them -- remember the top image above is the
original printed plate.) There's a no-prize in it for you if you can...
you're like us, you not only have our sympathy, but you've probably
also occasionally wondered how our stuff might fare in the transition
from two to three dimensions (beyond, of course, Steve's
senses-shattering Demon Baby and Harryhausen-influenced sculpture).
Now, even as we speak, the industrious entrepreneurs at Junk Robot
are developing and funding a set of 32mm gaming miniatures inspired by
babe imagery, and are letting everybody watch the process in real time.

mini inspired by our "Dark Over Light" painting
licensed a number of our images for their Damsels of Darkmyre project,
and are in the middle of raising the necessary fundage via Kickstarter,
where they're also posting regular model, sculpting and painting

Darkmyre mini inspired by our "Catspaw" painting
we're not materially participating (as the IRS calls it) in the
endeavor, we're hoping -- amateur Egyptologists that we are -- they'll
get funded to the level that unlocks these
guys (and we bet you wouldn't mind that happening, either!)
the help of an increasingly annoyed and rapidly shrinking coterie of
close personal friends who can be taken advantage of (thanks, guys; as
always, the check's not in the mail...), we've just moved our studio
across town again, which means we're more than ready to chill at the
2012 editions of two of the relaxingest local cons you'll ever come
across, Fallcon 24, and Arcana 42.

From the people who make it happen, here's the straight dope on
Minnesota's folkiest comic convention:
Event Name: FallCon Comic
Book Party
Event Description: A New
Fashioned Comic Book Convention – 150 Comic Book Creators In
Date/Time of Event:
Saturday, October 6, 2012 – 10AM to 5PM
Location of Event: MN.
State Fairgrounds, Education Building, 1265 Snelling Ave North, St.
Paul, MN. 55108
Admission: $8.00
per adult. Children 9 & Under Free. Get $1.00 off with a canned
food shelf donation.
If you're coming, be sure to stop by the F&L table and watch us
scream at each other about Car 54
Where Are You? and Family
Guy until we're separated by Security.

Just a couple of weeks later, we'll
be lurking around the snack table and bidding on obscure and possibly
haunted auction artifacts at the latest iteration of our favorite Convention of the Dark Fantastic.
We hope you'll consider joining not only us, but also the erudite and
posssibly undead regulars of Arcana
for a vaguely unsettling weekend in St. Paul (not that they all aren't)
just before Halloween.
Arcana's Guest of Honor this year is the redoubtable S. T. Joshi. From
his website:
T. Joshi is a leading authority on H. P. Lovecraft, Ambrose Bierce, H.
L. Mencken, and other writers, mostly in the realms of supernatural and
fantasy fiction. He has edited corrected editions of the works of
Lovecraft, several annotated editions of Bierce and Mencken, and has
written such critical studies as The Weird Tale (1990) and The Modern
Weird Tale (2001). His award-winning biography, H. P. Lovecraft: A Life
(1996), has already become a collector's item. An expanded and updated
version, I Am Providence: The Life and Times of H. P. Lovecraft, was
published in 2 volumes in 2010.
In sum, fans of ookiness both literary and visual
will not fail to be entertained and probably not dismembered.
Pocket Pal Volume 4!

From the Preface:
of mildly disturbing fantasy scenarios -- and the F&L girls who
inhabit them -- will find plenty to pore over in this latest archive of
studies and preliminaries by Steve, whose eye for detail compels him to
render even something as pedestrian as beans minutely...

legumes, in this instance, adorn our rendition of Ann-Marget, as she
appears in a typically distasteful scene from the Ken Russell film,
Tommy. And this particular image (done at the request of a particpant
in our ongoing Tricks & Treats hardcover special offer -- we're
not kidding when we say, "Your choice of subject"), is only one of 32
F&L compositions herein, of which several are equally off kilter,
many reassuringly recognizable, and all realized according to Steve's
loving and strict standards of fit and finish.

of costumed adventurers, as we used to call them, will find, among
others, our versions of Magnus, Dawn and everybody's favorite Catholic
avenger, the Huntress.

in the unlikely event anyone remotely familiar with our work is
wondering about nudity, rest assured: there's plenty of it. And
even where there isn't, there often might as well be, if you get
our drift.

Pal 4, as well as volumes 1-3, are signed, numbered and limited to 500
copies each. Order all four and get free shipping. Details on our Books
Media mogul and pal David Watkins is
slowly but surely assembling a comics lineup
with a genre for everyone, including heroes (past, present and future),
crime, western, funny animals, and a soap opera, Whispering Hearts, for
which we supplied a scene-setting image.
We also put our comic book hats back on to write and draw a two-page
intro for his sci-fi heroine Sadie Lyte.

there's one question we get more than any other (except maybe "When are
you guys going to retire?"), it's "Where can I find the first volume of
House of Lingerie?"

was published in 1997, sold out fairly quickly, and has been well nigh
impossible to find at anything remotely like a reasonable price
for quite a while.

now, the publishing maniacs at SQP are commemorating the 15th
anniversary of HHL Vol.1 with a spanking-new edition. Digital overlord
Bob Keenan -- bringing to bear all the technological advances
of the last decade and a half -- has lovingly remastered, moistened and
each individual image to its peak of quease-inducing vibrancy. The
ghouls have never been more moldering, nor the damsels more

We're pleased to be able to offer HHL Vol.1 again, at the original 1997
price of $10. Details on our Books page.
spent the Fourth of July weekend at the always-entertaining local
all-purpose-sci-fi-and-fantasy convention, Convergence 2012. He was in
Artist Alley on Friday and Saturday, and displayed F&L art in the
Art Show.

Photo by
Ben Huset
also contributed the grand prize (a signed copy of Beauties &
Beasts) to the fiercely contested Spacegirls Trivia Contest, and
generally had a swell time.
Speaking of Steve, he continues to
revisit the TV shows of our youth with his latest reconfiguration of
our home page.

Theater was less fantasy-oriented than other scary shows, but still had
a profound affect on our delicate psyches. And the opening titles
were great.
As promised, we're debuting Steve's Page,
wherein Monsieur F discusses the importance of Ray Harryhausen, and
shows some scupture influenced by the stop-motion master's work.
So, per the presumptuous yet somehow still extinct Mayans and their
tiresome calendar, we have a little less than a
year to wrap this whole song and dance up -- and since it's pretty much
an Always-Sunny-in-Philadelphia world anyway, there's not much
point in arguing.

We know it's not
Mayan; you get the idea...
Contributing to the
Decline of Western Civilization since 1976 is what it would say
on our business cards if we had remembered to reorder them, and we're
not about to stop now, so we invite you to look forward to at least
another year's worth of F&L hijinks -- although we'll understand if
you're at least partially distracted by non-fantasy-babe related
events. We guess. Not really, though.
While it
had its moments, The Outer Limits sure didn't do itself any favors with
the talky, angsty stories and the bargain basement monsters.

The opening titles, however, were great, and Steve -- who's been
watching a lot of the reruns lately -- has paid tribute
to them with the fourth installment of the F&L
collector's series home page. Our bargain basement monster is an
original full head latex mask Steve crafted from a clay sculpture by
Rich, circa 1985.

You'll find twelve
new/vintage images in our latest Gallery

In recognition of it being, aside from the end times, the Year of the
Dragon, two of our newly listed originals
are flying-lizard-related.
Arcana, that estimable
convention of all things creaturey, crawly and Cthulhu-y (and the place
be if you want to hang with real October People come Halloween time)
lost a charter member this summer in Philip Rahman, Fedogan &
Bremer publisher and
raconteur of the dark fantastic.

While literary horror was his stock in trade, Philip was also a fan of,
for example, Uncle Creepy, so we designed this Creepyesque portrait
-- featuring a couple of his ookier Arcana cohorts and a typical
F&B reader -- as a memorial.
A couple of items from the Coming
Soon Dept.:
Be on the lookout for Steve's Page,
in which our beloved resident airbrush wizard will hold forth on his
secret history, influences (hint: Harryhausen; Corben), favorite
illustrators, philosophy of art, work outside of F&L, and whatever
else crosses his marker-fume enhanced mind.

Also under contruction as we speak is the fourth iteration of our
popular digest-sized convention sketchbook, Pocket Pal...

...wherein we will continue to submit for your perusal 32 pages worth
of rare, interesting, otherwise unlikely-to-be-seen non-color F&L
material. While other convention-type sketchbooks may mostly be hastily
conceived montages of loosely realized noodlings, Pocket Pal continues
to present Steve's patented brand of carefully rendered, minutely
detailed layouts, roughs and studies for finished paintings (of which
the Gorillas, Girls & Nazis image above is an example). Each editon
also contains a sampling of our most cherished vintage material, just
for laughs. So keep an eye out, if you will, and remember: only the
covers are in color.

The latest issue of Spectrum
is out, and -- as usual -- features a mind boggling selection of high
class fantasy art... well as our beloved cover image for Beauties & Beasts (about
which more here). We believe the phrase is
"There goes the neighborhood..."
Wary as we are of art, pain and no-turning-back all happening at the
same time, we nevertheless always get a kick out of seeing our work as
tattoos, and feel honored by those who make an F&L-inspired image a
permanent part of their bad selves.

Based on an
image from Zombiesexual...

Based on
the cover of Zombiesexual...

on an image from Bed & Bondage 2...
The above inkage is from our neighbors to the (Great White) North at
Evening Shade Tattoo and Body Piercing in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Our
thanks to Ed for sending these along; have a look at more of his and
his cohorts' work here.
Greetings from Art Hell!

Consider this, if you
will, our personal postcard to you from the deepest depths of graphic
purgatory! It's number three in Steve's far out series of alternative
universe F&L home pages. Visit them all!
We're gearing up, as we hope you
are, for the 2011 edition of the always endearing Fallcon Comic Book

Rather than gushing yet again over the enjoyablity of this hometown
extravaganza, we briefly yield the floor to the vaunted crew who makes
it all happen:
Things are moving fast and furious
and we’re rapidly approaching critical mass as we accelerate
towards this weekend’s big whoop dee do!
As expected, the geometric
progression we call our Guest Creator list
has multiplied yet again! The total number of Guest Creators looks to
somewhere north of 125 and there’s no doubt we’ll be
squeezing in a few more in before all is said and done!
The legion of FallCon dealers,
from around the country, are reporting in that they are fully armed and
operational comic book FallConeers! They offer good will and cheer and
will be buying, selling & trading a gargantuan selection way cool
Other nefarious goings on will
include costumed characters, hundreds of door prizes, a few special
surprise Guest Creators, portfolio reviews, sketching, charity work,
networking, hucksterisms and special emphasis is placed on everyone
having a good time! Oh…and by the way, the first 500
attendees will get a free MCBA grab bag!
Now is the time and FallCon is the
place where there’s something for everyone and everyone
is welcome!
We really hope that
you’ll be able to make it! As always, there’ll be
a lot to see and do at FallCon! It’s a great way to spend a Fall
day! 360 minutes of extreme comic book action! So
please plan to come early and stay late!
We can only add that we -- who typically manage to blow off many, many
major life-related events without batting an eye -- try our darndest
not to miss Fallcon. It's just that much fun. And year after year (as
creators from all over the country will confirm) the free lunch really
seals the deal.
This year you can meet Stephan
Pastis, creator of the fairly irreverent Pearls Before Swine, and possibly
thank him for making your parents' mainstream media comics page a
little less annoying.

Local media critic/independent comics impresario/F&L buddy David
Watkins is taking a break from eviscerating whatever the big boys are
offering in order to publish up a storm of pulpy,
bronze-agey adventure
-- and it looks like we'll be a modest part of the proceedings. Give
the page a few minutes to load, and look for this crazy stuff in the
months that ensue.

Next week Rich will trundle his
magic carpetbag of F&L thingamabobs to the storied Donald E.
Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL for Wizard
World's Chicago Comic Con 2011.
This year's edition of the Midwest's most frenzied pop culture wingding
features so many guests from every conceivable corner of the modern
entertainment universe, the entire fannish population of flyoverland
(and that's a ton of people who don't wear little fedoras) is likely to
show up, screaming in unison, "Take my money and autograph my face, you
magnificent bastards!"
We here at F&L, as it so happens, are not so much about the money
as we are about...something that sounds less greedy than money, so feel
free to stop by Mr. Larson's table any time, day or night, say hi, get
a thing or two signed, and pick up a free 2012 calendar.

We've temporarily surrealized our home page
into something that looks somewhat
Twilight Zoney, but which was in fact inspired by one
of the many iconic Steranko S.H.I.E.L.D. covers -- and by the
melty goodness of Salvador Dali.

"Curiosity Box", a cautionary tale of three wayward sisters who place
their noses (and other parts) where they don't belong, originally
appeared in Little Black Book 3 -- but you can read it (and other short
F&L comic stories) right now on our Comics

Pocket Pal 3 is now officially available from us via mail and at
And speaking of cons...
The summer convention season is underway,
and Steve and Rich are girding their drawing hands (and what passes for their personalities)
in anticipation of mixing and mingling with fellow comics and fantasy
fans at Convergence, Comic-Con International, and Dragon*Con.

Crazy Minneapolis Fandom lives on at CONvergence
(June 30-July 3). There's an eclectic consuite
and a really, really, really good
coffee bar, Charlie Horne's stuffed-to-the gills art show, a 24 hour
cinema, dealer's room, mainstage with dances and concerts, guests of
honor and programming with and without same -- and perhaps most
importantly -- no fewer than forty
officially registered party suites which run the length of the con. If
you can't [fill in whatever it is you're trying to achieve in life]
here, you may as well move to [fill in wherever it is people resign
themselves to moving to when all is lost -- probably France]. F&L
merch and signed, matted prints will comprise the most miniscule
portion of the vast, always impressive art show, and Steve his own self
will be found hanging out there and wandering the halls. Don't hesitate
to walk up to everyone you run into and ask, "Are you Steve Fastner?"
until you find him.

Comic-Con International (July 21-24; preview night July 20) has
become a bit unwieldy these days -- however, it remains
the one to do when you're doing only one. Everything runs more or less
with a practiced efficiency, a bunch of content is debuted there, and
attendee-wise, it's almost impossible not to get your money's worth at
the show itself (things like lodging, parking and the overall SD
attitude, which is, "Why aren't you spending like proctologists?" are
another matter).
In an era where independent publishers fold like cheap greeting cards,
F&L's buds at SQP (now in their 38th year) keep chugging right
along. How do they do it? Especially since they continue to publish us
on a regular basis? Rich is thrilled to be back at Sal & Bob's
giganto booth this year, where he'll hobnob with fellow fans, sketch, and show and sell
F&L originals, signed prints and other ordinarily-unavailable
material. If your're at all interested in fantasy girl art with an
international flair, you'll find yourself inexorably drawn to the big
SQP banner in Hall "C" (and Bob's come-hither stare).

(September 2-5) asks the musical question: how many slavegirl
Princess Leias do you need? Because it's based in four
more-or-less interconnected hotels, and is attended by 40,000 fannish
lunatics, D*C offers the kind of crazed, non-stop, all-hours
interactive frenzy you'll wish you could put yourself through all over
again right away as soon as it's over.
Comics-and-fantasy-art related guests this year include a pantheon of
immortals: Jim Steranko, Bil Stout, Jim Starlin, Berni Wrightson,
George Perez, and many more. There's a spacious, centrally-located
Artist Alley where you'll find Rich and a ton of his betters showcasing
their work. The art show, parade, performances, and panels are the
stuff of legend. They have their own television
station. This is the con that brought Shatner and Nimoy together
two years ago, and put Stan Lee back in the spotlight last year. The
MST3K guys are frequent guests. Jefferson Starship is scheduled to play
(don't ask -- we have no idea). And then there are the costumes. Yikes.
Trust us, it will all make perfect sense when you're in the middle of
everything, using one hand to keep your cape on and the other to keep
your jaw off the ground. Get a feeling for it all here
and here.
That's right: our home page is now a single
honking jpeg -- our apologies if you're on dial-up (we are as well, so
no sympathy or soup for you). We know there's a more appropriate (if
not faster-loading) way to do this, and we don't care. The concept of
"web standards" makes us chortle.
In other news, we've added a seventh gallery
page, wherein you'll discover a couple of images from the murky
dawn of F&L, as well as some just-out-the-door stuff.
Spring is just around a couple of
painfully cold corners here on the frozen
tundra, and so a young fan's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of the
Minnesota State Fairgrounds and the MCBA's Springcon 2011.

The guest list this year includes the supremely prescient (American Flagg!) Howard Chaykin,
and the flat-out terrific Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. If you've ever seen
their miniseries Twilight,
you know why these two guys alone are worth the price of admission.
As always, there'll be a metric ton of other creators, dealers, an art
show, panels discussions, and the kind of happy vibe you only find at
cons without San Diego, Chicago or New York in front of their names.
It will be our pleasure to show, sign and try to hawk stuff as well.
Look for the table with the two elderly guys stuffing their faces with

Speaking of hawking stuff, we've been asked by our creditors to remind
you that the long-awaited Pocket Pal III is scheduled to debut at
Springcon 2011.

sample pages below have been updated as of 6/5/11.
Those of you familiar with previous editions know we pack a
well-rounded sampling of fully-rendered studies, sketches and rarely
seen paintings into each one of these babies.

Then we sign them, limit them to 500 copies per volume, and send them
into the world exclusively via conventions and our website.

People often ask us, "Steve and Rich, where do your ideas come from?",
and we tell them, "Usually from the realization that we need to fill
several pages in the next edition of Pocket Pal."

We're hastily (but with the utmost of discerning care and
consideration) assembling Pocket Pal III as we write this, so keep an
eye peeled for it among the many other gaudy, tawdry -- but equally
cashworthy -- items at the F&L table at Springcon.
We've added a new gallery page, and six
new originals, which may be acquired, if
you're feeling flush. And even if you're not, we can now accept
payment via Paypal, which, according to Rich, feels almost like not
being aware of spending money at all.
Since we're fairly afraid of having what passes for our souls stolen,
and since Rich inevitably looks like he's been on a three day vodka
binge, we try not to have our pictures taken all that often.

This one, by F&L corporate attorney/Bollywood historian/former
syndicated newspaper cartoonist James Schumeister, shows us in the
midst of the commercial whirlwind at this year's MCBA Springcon. Note
our many wares and immediate accessibility! Holding forth immediately
to Steve's left is comics legend Jim Shooter, whom we found to be just
great to be next to.
Mayfair Games has released Lords
of Vegas, featuring a box cover art contribution by us.

The idea here is that the guy in the fez just lost the deed to his
casino to the girl, and is being encouraged to hand over the keys.
While this may not be immediately obvious here, it's probably even less
so in our finished painting...

But we had a lot of fun with it, and we're sure the game -- brought to
you by the folks who publish Settlers of Catan -- will be a blast to
All thirteen episodes of the Lord of the Rings spoof Edward the Less
are now viewable on YouTube.

Edward was produced by the MST3K guys as a serial for the (then) SciFi
Channel's website; we provided the art...

There's also an interview
about the Edward project with the always vivacious Kevin Murphy.

We remember being thoroughly unable to watch the series online at the
time on our steam-powered computer, so we're looking forward to
downloading the whole thing and trying to figure out if it's funnier
than the movie trilogy..

After the reconnecting with fans, friends and the wonderful
complimentary sandwich bar, our favorite part of the local Spring
and Fall cons is probably getting hold of the latest hard copy edition
of David Watkins' vituperous broadside, Abandon Comics.
AC is a journal of critical analysis
in the same
way that the Howard Stern show is a meditation on interpersonal
relationships, but it's dollars to donuts you won't find another pop
culture observer who uses the words "Jodie
Foster" and "flan" in the same sentence.

Check out especially the early
material, which is heavier on the bilious commentary, lighter on
the photos of naked starlets.
We've feng shuied our home page into
something a little less unwieldy. Our old home page has been archived,
can still be found here. If you
want to know what's been going on with F&L since the beginning of
time, our old news page has been archived here.

The softcover edition of F&L's Beauties
& Beasts is now available directly from us.
Our latest girlie grimoire is 64 pages of pulchritudinous pandemonium
in the endearing manner of Tricks & Treats -- with a little less cute
and a litlle more brute.
Steve & Rich's crude but earnest scrawls will be affixed to your
copy upon request. Or even upon no request.

In keeping with our standard practice of hopping on trends about two
and a half years after everybody else wishes they'd just die a horrible
death, our newly minted, soon-to-be-available sketchbook (in the
time-honored tradition of the Haunted House of Lingerie and Bed &
Bondage series) is Rich Larson's ZombieSexual,
a sensitive portrayal of the oft-overlooked emotional relationship
between the walking dead and the non-brain parts of their screaming,
flushed-with-fear (or is that...excitement?) victims. With several
paintings and a gloriously sleazetastic faux movie poster by Steve, ZS
might be the perfect stocking stuffer for the necro-nutballs on your
Christmas list.

Back from the end-of-the-Mayan-calendar hysteria
at Comic-Con International, Rich is ready to immerse himself in the
infinitely more temperate and relaxing milieu of our local autumn convention scene. And -- more
importantly for those who are interested in the concept of "talent" --
he'll be joined at the 2010 editions of FallCon and Arcana
by Steve, who will unchain himself from his giant drafting table of
unearthly delights just long enough to hobnob with the savvy,
mildly skewed attendees thereof.

Fallcon and Arcana take place on the same weekend this year (another
sign of the Apocalypse!) -- but Steve and Rich will eschew healthful
sleep, and make their mildly confused presence felt at both shows.
Plus, we'll have copies of not only Beauties & Beasts, but also
ZombieSexual available for your perusal and -- if we're lucky --
purchase. To say nothing of an arresting assortment of F&L
originals and assorted concomitant material. We'll be risking our
well-being, so feel free to stop by, observe our likely incoherence,
and enjoy a chuckle at our expense.
Check out some old and new images on our new
Gallery page, won't you?
Desperate times, our leaders appears to be
telling us, call for
completely unjustifiable distractions, and so we're excited almost to
the point of incontinence to be kicking off this last year of a truly
wretched decade with news of our brand
new art book: which you'll find an outsized selection of our patented
minimally-attired swordsbabes and victimettes matching wits, weapons
and come-hither looks with the ooky -- and yet somehow timelessly loveable monsters who
would make them theirs.

Not only does F&L's Bs&Bs
unveil 40 new paintings on the general theme of: monsters-insistent,

...but we've also assembled -- especially for this
volume -- a collection of our favorite greyscale pieces, many
of which Steve has lovingly repainted in digital color... well as never-before-seen commissioned pieces (you think we're twisted), a choice assortment
of Steve's delightful color pencil studies, and an introduction that
does nothing to advance humanity in its quest for knowledge. What more
could you ask for? How about a quality hardcover binding? All this and
more will be made available to you in scant weeks, exclusively through
the Science Fiction Book Club.
Flood their website with so many page views that Amazon is compelled to
take them over!

It might not seem so if you're currently trying to slap some feeling
back into your frozen forehead -- but May is just around the corner,
and as attending guests, we're compelled to remind you to plan your
very existence around the upcoming MCBA SpringCon.
Everyone and his brother will tell you the twice yearly MCBA affairs
are the friendliest, funnest and most comicky conventions around, and
if you've ever been chewed up and spit out by any of their planet-sized
competitors (cough-Comicon-cough), you'll be kissing the
concrete floor of the State Fair Grandstand in gratitude for the
breatheable air and ability to move from Terry Beatty's table to Nadja
Baer's table without being brought down by an elbow to the kidney.
Steve will be making one of his very rare public appearances, and he's
limbering up his signing hand even as we write this. Get his extremely
rare signature on stuff you've brought along, or on one of the many top
quality, not-made-in-China items we'll have with us.
And if all this isn't enough to convince you to show up, we have two
words for you: Jim Shooter.
Dig out those copies of Star Brand!
We've just put the finishing touches on a top-secret project for Mayfair Games, publishers of
the wildly popular Settlers of Catan series. We can say no more at this
time, other than that it does involve a character of a babeish nature.
Rest assured, we'll be flogging the pants off it, if not her, as soon
as we're able.

Hey, kids, comics!
herewith introducing the F&L Virtual Storytime
Comics Corner, a quiet place where you can kick back with a cigarillo
and, hopefully, really low expectations, and revisit some lighthearted,
lightweight F&L sequential graphic type content without getting powdered sugar donut all over
your hard copy. (Or something like that, but less suggestive-sounding.)
kicking things off with a couple of stories from our Little Black Book
series ("Alienated", from Vol.1, and "Cursed Kiss", from Vol.2), and
"Haunted House of Lingerie", from HHL Vol.3.
(Steve did
"HHL" in a combination of warm and cool grayscale markers and airbrush,
achieving a subtle multi-color effect that was lost when the story was
printed in black & white in the book. We're reproducing it here as
the original art looked, and the difference is quite striking.)
We'll add
stories every now and again, so check back for updates.

Ally Fell and Duddlebug, the swell guys who brought F&L and an
international host of others to you with Erotic Fantasy Art, have done
it again with Fantasy Art Now 2
and/or The Future of Fantasy Art.

We're about 98% sure that The Future of Fantasy Art is the US edition
of Fantasy Art Now 2, since the authors, page count and dimensions are
the same. But you never know. We hope you'll do your part to keep the
worldwide economic spinning plates in the air, and order a copy of
each. FAN 2/FFA is a 192pp. hardcover, approx. 10" X 10", available here and here.
(The Future of Fantasy Art is also available from
uber-comic-and-fantasy-art-book guy Bud
Details (as they say) are
sketchy at this point, but we're currently assembling new material and
reconfiguring some vintage stuff for our next book, a hardcover
compilation scheduled for release early in 2010. More info and images
to follow shortly, we hope.
We've added seven new originals to our Originals
pages, plus five new studies and pencil drawings to our Pencils page. View (and buy) away, if you're
so inclined!
Also new are 24 additional prints,
including Uncle Creepy, Cousin Eerie, Vampirella, Valkyrie and
Enchantress as you've never seen them before (alas, not in the same
We believe in striking while the iron is colder than the
far side of Pluto, which is why we've waited a mind-homogeninizing two
and a half years to release the second
volume in our Pocket Pal convention-style sketchbook series.

Vol.2 collects tonal studies, private commissions, rare and unseen
early (as in late '70's) paintings and drawings, heroes, babes,
monsters, and all nine images from our Fallcon 20th Anniversary sketch
card set. Signed, limited to 500, and easily stashable in your
manpurse, there's (at least) a girl on every page, and color on every
cover -- and it's available right here, right now.
thanks to everyone who stopped by and said hi at CONvergence's newly
minted Artist Alley, and to the extremely tasteful buyers who helped us
sell out our little corner of the Art Show.
Next week, Rich dons
his protective exoskeleton and heads out to Comic-Con International,
where he, the F&L experience, and enough international erotic
fantasy art to make your eyeballs boil in your skull will be found at
the SQP Publishing Emporium, just inside the Main Entrance to the
Exhibitors Hall at SDCC. Look for the cloud of steam rising from
first-time visitors' pants.
SQP's venerable place in the history of erotic publishing is nicely
highlighted in Tim Pilcher's Erotic Comics: A Graphic History Volume 2.

We're in there as well...

Note: Pay no attention to Rich's thumb.
art that runs the gamut from soft "R" to hard "X", extended notes on
the creators, and a foreword by the ever-insightful Alan Moore, EC: AGH V2 is a an
indispensible reference, as well as libidinous
inspiration, and fans of sequential-porn will
find themselves revisiting it again and again. I mean, you can only
pretend to go back to Understanding
Comics so many times.
We're running around bumping into stuff at CONvergence this weekend.

a pretty big, really entertaining show -- but we harbor few illusions
about the likelyhood of someone both happening to be attending and happening to
be reading this.
we're nothing if not ridiculously over-optimistic. So if you're in the
bar at the Sheraton South, enjoying a Grain Belt, on your notebook (or
whatever it is the kids are calling it these days), and here, for some
reason, please note that they're trying out an Artist Alley this year.
It's on the second floor, across from the Dealer's Room, and we'll be
there from noon until three on Friday and Saturday. Look for the big
Barb Wire poster.

Here's an oil painting, "All Hell", that
Steve did in 1980. We published a b&w version of it in our Pocket
Pal Vol.I, and thought you might like to see a Fastner color palette
from the early days. This was scanned from a Polaroid, since the
original has changed hands a couple of times, and we weren't yet making
transparencies (look it up, digital-agers) of our work when we sold it.
We've finally made good on our promise
to add more images to our Prints page. (This
only took several years.)
Here's our summer convention schedule --
we hope to run into you somewhere!
July 2-5 -- Steve (and possibly Rich)
will be at the local sf/comics/media/all-around-good-time-get-together CONvergence, with prints
and books in the art show, and sketches and originals in the newly
minted (hopefully) artist alley.
July 22-26 -- Rich will be at the SQP
booth at Comic-Con
International, which -- like it wasn't an incalculably vast crush
of seething wetware in years past -- is already totally sold out.
August 13-16 -- We'll hang F&L
originals in the art show, and Rich will have a table with books,
signed prints and additional originals at the best four days in gaming,
Con Indy.
September 4-7 -- Rich will sketch, and
show and sell stuff in Artist Alley (which has moved to the Hyatt,
probably near the Art Show, this year) at Dragon*Con. Stop by in costume
and get a free sketch of your bad self!
October 10 & 11 -- F&L will
have a table at Fallcon, on
the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Get the elusive Steve signature on
your various Marvel Superhero Portfolio plates! (The Fallcon page has
yet to be updated from 2008, but we're sure it will be soon.)
October 16-18 -- Steve and Rich will
join fellow fans of the dark fantastic for the intimate, not at all
sinister Arcana 39 in St. Paul.
Slither on by if you can.

Jonathan Ross: In Search
of Steve Ditko
Thanks to fans we met at a recent convention, we
were able to get a look at the 2007 BBC documentary,
In Search
of Steve Ditko. It's
a very decent introduction to the artist and the impact he's had on
fellow pros. Jonathan Ross is without question a
fan, and clearly believes Ditko has gotten far less than his due.
Stan Lee admits that while he's "willing to say"
co-created Spider-Man, he still thinks of himself as the actual
creator, because he "came up with the idea". Jerry Robinson, who taught
Ditko early on, remembers him as very serious about his work, and
determined to become a comic book storyteller. Alan Moore and Neil
Gaiman (both
Ditko fans) weigh in on, among other things, Ditko's moral philosophy
(as represented in The Question and Mr. A).
But, as might be expected, there is no interview
with the artist himself, since Ditko has always preferred to let his
work speak for him. Ross flies to New York and phones Ditko's
from the entrance to his building. We only hear Ross' side of the
conversation as he asks to come up and meet him. Ditko demurs. Ross
(together with Gaiman, who's along for the ride) goes up anyway. They
come back down 25 minute later with armfuls of Ditko books, and goofy
grins on their faces. Ditko certainly is worthy of a tribute like this
-- too bad no one in this country thought to do it.
We know this is short notice, but we
strongly suggest that on March 28 you drop everything and head straight
for Planet Comicon in Kansas
City. Comic and media stars will abound, Rich will be hunched over his
drawing board in Artist Alley, and, yes -- because this is America --
there will be Playmates.
is the spring edition of our local comics extravaganza,
and it's always big fun. With scores of creators and tons of comics and
comic-adjacent accoutrements, it's an early opportunity to get out
there and single-handedly rescue our faltering economy.
Or just stop in and say hi. Steve and
Rich will be there, and as always, it will be a rare opportunity to
acquire that elusive Fastner signature on as much F&L product as
you can dump in front of us. We'll also be open to virtually any kind
of conversational back-and-forth that doesn't involve fairy bust size.
So go ahead: ask us what we thought about the Spirit movie...
Microcon will be held Sunday, April 26,
2009 on the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul.
While we here at the world's coldest
indoor art studio throw ourselves into (1) the
small-in-size-but-big-in-sheer-graphitey-bravado Pocket Pal
II, and (2) an even curiouser follow-up to the heathen hijinx
immortalized in Tricks & Treats, you might want to check out a few
recent and upcoming F&L guest appearances:

The February '09 issue of Art Scene International
features an F&L cover, an interview with the boys, and a how-to
section with step-by-step photos, in which Steve -- using the Tricks
& Treats image Hangin' Around
-- shows and describes each step in the painting process, from scanned
drawing to finished art. For those of you (like Rich) who wonder how
the heck he does it, this is a must-read.
(ASI is published in
Germany, and the English language version should be available in the US
at all purveyors of quality international periodicals, which is to say,
three places.)

Coming later this month from Ilex Press is
Erotic Comics: A Graphic History -- Vol. 2., about which the publisher
...crammed full of
exquisite art from around the world and fascinating interviews with the
artists...The book takes a look
at what is currently being published in Europe and Japan, and examines
the new wave of erotic web comics on the Internet, where censorship is
virtually non-existent...
These are the folks who brought you the over-the-top good Erotic Fantasy Art,
so when they say "exquisite", there's every reason to believe they're
not fooling around. This is the kind of company we like to keep, and
thrilled to have a couple of F&L images reproduced therein.
Our many-splendored relationship with the boys at SQP continues, yea, even unto books
with other artists in them.

The ever popular Song series (Fairy, Sword, Mermaid,
with more to come) is cheeks-to-cheek with alluring, dangerous and
wholly unattainable fantasy femmes, undulating about in eye-scorching
full color.

Although our approach isn't quite that of the
way-too-talented Arantza (whose ethereal paintings grace the Song
covers and interior pages), thanks to the big-tent all-inclusiveness of
the Bob & Sal aesthetic manifesto, we've succeeded in insinuating a
few of our images into this very successful series.
Bait, from Mermaid Song
from Sword Song
Preview and order the entire Song series directly
from the publishers themselves,
and while you're at it, have a leisurely look around at what must
surely be the biggest, bounciest, bizarrest bevy of illustrated fantasy babes on the net.
We're reasonably confident when we say that Martin Arlt is the only
molecular biologist who's publishing his own monster fanzine (insert
your own laboratory
joke here). Not only that, but Mad Scientist
is up to issue 18, and has metamorphized, Jeff Goldblum-like,
from digest-sized b&w to full sized, color cover magazine. Let
the shrieking and castle-storming begin!

Rich has been contributing sketches for several issues, and Steve
colorized the above image (Vat of Evil, from B&B 1) for the cover
of #17. Each Mad Scientist features in depth commentary, reviews, and
profiles of vintage and classic monster/fantasy/sf movies, comics and
TV. The first thirteen issues are sold out, and if you're a fan of the
50's/60's stuff (F&L
cut their teeth on it, so you know it's good!), we suggest you hop on
Martin's graveyard express right
German correspondent Arno Schaetzle introduced
us to a new website
devoted to the international airbrush art/artist scene. Imagery by the
likes of Sorayama, Royo, Michael Mobius, as well as 3D art and lots of
links -- and they're just getting started. Look for an F&L piece in
there somewhere as well!

If you're like us (and if you are, comb
your hair, get an education, and try to make something out of
yourself), you're already getting into
the Halloween spirit, so it's time to remember the most basic rule of
Jack-O-Lantern etiquette, which is, make sure all the pumpkins are dead
before you start carving them up.

Folks who commission originals from
F&L have inquiring minds, and sometimes what they want to know is
what x might look like from y angle.
We've worked on a series of commissions
based on, and as homages to, classic works by the greatest fantasy
artist of all time (in our opinion, and in the opinion of a lot of
people who are in a better position to make the statement than we --
which is a lot of people).
The above is our imagining of a side view of Frazetta's Beauty and the Beast.

& Bondage 2
is winning friends and influencing people everywhere it goes -- which
isn't altogether that far, since retailers have to make room for a
fresh pallet of Dark Knight product every week. But it's available
from us, and
from our main men at SQP as well.
Can you really look these little
fellas in the eye, and tell them they can't come live with you?
(No, we meant the little red
guys...never mind...)

Fall means local conventions in the Twin
Cities; next month you'll find us, and about 225 other comic creators
from all
over the country, at the 20th anniversary of Fallcon, on the Minnesota
State Fairgrounds in St Paul.
To celebrate the occasion, Fallcon will
be giving away at the door original
collector card art
contributed by a sizable number of their guest creators, most of whom
are -- no surprise -- considerably bigger deals than ourselves. Our
comparative unknowness hasn't stopped us from throwing ten color
sketches of our own into the mix, including


And eight more supergirlish portraits.
Again, these, and all the card art
donated by the other guest creators, are not prints, but one-of-a-kind
pieces of original art -- and they're being given away to attendees of Fallcon 20 in
celebration of its big anniversary.
Just a cut above the Zack and Miri Make a Porno tote
bags they'll be handing out at the next Comic-Con.
Later in October, we'll join Scott,
Dwayne, Phillip, Eric, and several dozen additional fellow travelers in
dark fantasy at Arcana 38.
There'll be movies, panel discussions,
guests, consumption of beverages, a ridiculously good art show, and an
even more ridiculously good auction, and generally insightful and
loving rumination about Arkham-inspired fiction and cinema. Cthulhuites
will miss this cozy, extremely well-run con at their own peril!

This may tickle your ivories -- we've
put up an originals
of Steve's color pencil studies, mostly from Tricks & Treats, and
Rich's pencil drawings from the original Bed & Bondage. As nearly
as we can tell, this is the least budget-annihilating way of owning an
F&L original, so if you happen to have any rebate check money left
Rich plans to be in artist alley at Wizard World Chicago,
June 26-29, and Dragon*Con in
Atlanta, Aug. 27-Sept.1.
A plethora of F&L product will be
offered by our best friends forever, SQP, at Comic-Con International in
San Diego (July 24-27), as well.
Bed & Bondage 2 proves there are at
least fifty ways to leave your lover unable to move much of anything at
all, body-part-wise.
It includes a hefty selection of Rich's
dwarf-and-woodland-creature-bedecked pencil drawings...

a goodly number of twisted grayscale
paintings by Steve...

and a graphic story that will be of at
least passing interest to anyone who was amused by the shenanigans
depicted on cover of B&B 1.

All tightly encased (not in
rubber, unfortunately) between two brand spanking new, full-color, altogether lurid F&L
Check here
for a release date.
Some of the brightest new lights in
erotic fantasy illustration are wonderfully represented within the
pages of the recently released Erotic
Fantasy Art (Ilex, 192pp.).

Stalwarts such as Brom, Maitz and
Sperlonga also appear, as do your very disobedient servants.
Illustration in general and girl art in
particular lost a true master with the untimely passing of Dave Stevens.
His women were playful, innocent, sexy and dangerous, often within the
same image. He reintroduced the world to Bettie Page, and his linework
is in a class by itself. We'll definitely miss seeing more of it.
Steranko nuts that we are, we just can't
resist recommending this
wherein he regales us with the untold stories behind some of his most
memorable comic covers. (Click on the "Steranko Commentary" links.)
Steve and Rich connected with friends
old and new, and generally had a whee of a time at local conventions Fallcon (comics) and
Arcana (dark
fantastic) earlier this month.
The Fallcon vibe is relaxed and
friendly, with a ton of creators and a lot of original art on display
(Joel Thingvall's Wonder Woman display was an education in itself). For
all intents and purposes, it's a national convention with a local feel,
and the folks behind it know their stuff.
Arcana guest George Clayton Johnson spun
great stories about writing for the original Twilight Zone series and Ocean's 11
(!). Many of the attendees are professionals and semi-pros, and we got
the sense that everyone at this intimate con was knowledgeable and
enthusiastic about the genre. The auction alone is worth the price of
If you just can't get enough of us
waxing eloquent here, Jazma
Online has individual interviews with Steve and Rich, as well as a
great many other creators (and a couple of the contestants from Who Wants to Be a Superhero?) Go
to the Interview page; we're in there somewhere.
As the feeble sunlight fades from the
frozen tundra, we're gearing up to crank out an all new series of
drawings, paintings and narrative mischief for our forthcoming Bed & Bondage II. (For those of
you who've requested more
ball gags, we promise to give the notion at least momentary
Embarrassingly long in the making,
F&L's Tricks & Treats (we've referred to it on these pages up
to this point for reasons that will be escaping us at any moment as Sweet Cheeks)
is now available for your amusement and edification...if there's
anything to be learned from immodestly-decked-out babes in intricate
situations -- and we think there is.
Therein you'll find 44 or 45 (it's all a
blur to us now, really) of our latest works, all in blazing
debauch-o-color. If you're even vaguely interested in the less
wholesome side of Halloween, cosplay, or general pagan revelry, you'll
find inspiration and succor within these pages. At an outsized 9" X 12"
and $14.95 US the copy in softcover, can one really go wrong? Or, at
least, any more wrong than the ladies herein depicted have done?
Additionally, for those of you who take
your fondness for F&L imagery to the limit, T&T is also
available in an entirely too respectful hardcover edition, at $24.95. So if
you've been searching in vain for that perfect family treasure to hand
down to the grandkids...
Eventually we hope to offer T&T on
our website, but for now, it's available exclusively from our
publisher. Halloween and Christmas are just around the corner, so
consider obtaining multiple copies for yourself and your clergymen!

Next month we'll pack up our stuff, hop
on the University Ave. bus, and spend a couple of days hanging out at Fallcon 2007.
Nestled unassumingly among the oaks and
the corn dog stands of the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, this con
consistently draws a jaw-dropping line-up of guests, which this year
includes Adam Hughes, Dan Brereton, Steve Rude, Kurt Busiek, a lot of
other creators you've actually heard of, and now -- inexplicably --
Stop by and get stuff signed by Steve,
or just tell Rich to shut the hell up.
Every so often we get extremely polite
requests to use our images in sig tags and tubing, and we're
usually unable to comply because of various contractual agreements and
individual ownership issues.
Now, however, some sets of our stuff are
available via the extremely comprehensive online art showcase at CILM. These guys have
everybody, and the babeosity quotient is off the charts.
The nuances of marketing are more or
less lost on us; moreover, in the star chamber that is our publisher's
mighty merchandising machine, we cast exactly no votes.
Cheeks, as a result, will now be submitted for your approval as Tricks & Treats,
and positioned as more of a celebration of all
things Halloweenish, rather than the slobbering, booty-obsessed
bacchanal it in fact is.
The images remain the same, however, and
even a ground squirrel would be able to dope out where we're coming
from. Still, we hope the adjustment bags us that ever-elusive pagan
feminist demographic.
should be available by early fall, which is an eternity in girl art fan
years, so we've produced an interim offering.

Pocket Pal
is a diminutive (5.5" X 8 1/2") sketchbook, dedicated to the
proposition that bad girls (and good ones) come in small packages. This
32 page b&w collection spotlights Steve's popular tonal studies, as
well as many unseen finished paintings.
is signed by Steve and Rich, and limited to 500 copies; it will be
available from Rich at Comic-Con, Wizard World Chicago, and
Illustration House is presenting an
auction of original comic book art February 23-25 in Manhattan.
The auction includes two of our favorite airbrush paintings, Big Gun
(cover for Bill the Galactic Hero #1) and Low Noon (cover for Weird
Western #3).

You can check out the details on these
and other far more legitimate examples of comic book history -- and
place a bid online -- at the Illustration House website.
We rarely work in full airbrush at large sizes anymore, so this would
be a good opportunity to acquire a wholly representative original
F&L artifact.
Or, if you just want to own as much
jaw-droppingly beautiful fantasy art as
possible by the best contemporary creators in
the business, original or not, you could do worse than hunting down a
copy of Spectrum,
the latest volume of which (#13) is on sale now. It's edited and
published by the folks who brought you the Frazetta trilogy, and they
really, really know what they're doing.

(One of our pieces, an image from Little
Black Book 3, is ensconced in its pages, bringing down the property
values only slightly.)
Steve can finally count on one
hand...his family is very proud.
No, what we mean to say is, Steve can
finally count on one hand the number of paintings left to do
for the Sweet Cheeks
project. Once finished, the fate of this massive, year-long, Sistine
Chapel ceiling of an undertaking is out of our hands -- but we hope the
summer of '07 will find you getting a little behind in your reading.

saw fit this year to present
F&L with the Minnesota Fantasy Award; we're honored and a
little embarrassed to find ourselves -- for the first and last
time, we assure you -- grouped with the likes of Terry
Gilliam, Lester Del Rey, Ruth Berman, John Sladek, Joe Lansdale, Greg
Ketter and Philip Rahman, of the indispensable Minneapolis-based
publishers Fedogan
& Bremer.
Philip was kind enough to present
us with a beautiful copy of Howard Wandrei's The Eerie Mr. Murphy, which
includes a unsettling
of drawings by the author. If you're a fan of the sort of lovingly
crafted books more common to the turn of the last century than the
present day, you really owe it to yourself to check out the Fedogan
& Bremer catalogue.
Arcana also had, per-square-foot, one of
the most intriguing art shows we've seen in a good while, with
originals by Virgil Finlay, Don Maitz, Michael Whelan, Howard Wandrei,
Hannes Bok (!) and Vaughn Bode (!!)
We offer our sincere thanks to Eric
Heideman, Scott Wyatt, Dwayne Olson, and everyone at Arcana 36, for
making us far more welcome than we deserved.
It's not exactly "How Stan and Steve
Create Spider-Man", but we've added an ever-so-brief demo of how we go
about doing page a for one of the little stories you find in Haunted
House of Lingerie and, most recently, Bed & Bondage.
What we've done is taken a page from the
story "Crule & Unusual" (in B&B), and speed-walked you through
it from rough to finished page. You'll be asking, "Why can't you do
this like normal comics guys do?", and we'll answer, "Because it's too
Rich was standing in the middle of
of the main hall at Comic-Con International on Saturday, about when
they had
to stop selling tickets because it was just too ridiculously crowded,
he got the same feeling as when he watched everynerd Peter
Jackson walk right over immaculately appointed Hollywood
royalty to accept just about every Academy Award there was for Lord of
the Rings III.
And the feeling was: This is our time.
We are abroad and aloose, and will not
be put back. Look upon our works, ye mighty, and despair.
Then he made as much of a beeline as
possible for the
facilities, because he was full of coffee.
Apart from drawing at the
SQP booth and finding cell phones on the sidewalks of San Diego (final
tally:2), Rich enjoyed breakfast sandwiches at the Cheese Shop (go
with the biscuit instead of the English muffin), good-natured banter
with the publisher fellows, and sleeping.

Bed &
Bondage made its debut at Comic-Con, and did quite well,
considering its conspicuous lack of ball gags.
If you were there, but had better things
to do (was that
Kevin Smith?!) you might yet procure a hot-off-the-presses copy at
Dragon*Con. Look for Rich in Artist Alley.
If there's one commandment amongst comic
art types. it's probably Thou Shalt Not Go to San Diego Without New
Material. A few months ago, when we were about halfway through the
44-odd (and we mean odd) new paintings for Sweet Cheeks, we were able
to calculate with a fair degree of accuracy that the rest weren't going
to be done in time for the big show unless we took on a couple of
sizable crystal meth habits.
So, after a brief summit with They Who
Write the Checks, we temporarily set Cheeks aside, and plunged headlong
into plan B. Or rather, plan B&B.

If you enjoyed spending a night or two
at our Haunted House of Lingerie, you should make plans to check into
an equally twisted establishment, Rich Larson's Bed & Bondage.

B&B marks our return to the
ever-popular sketchbook format pioneered by SQP more than a decade ago.
Therein you'll find drawings by Rich, paintings by Steve, and a
whimsical (if you're Elizabeth Bathory) story featuring the popular
ladies from our Spanking Tails print. What more could you ask? How
about brand new front and back cover paintings, in blazing

Oh yes--and copious, fully gratuitous
semi-nudity. Float on over to the SQP booth at Comic-Con International
(with 100,000+ attendees, your feet won't be touching the floor often)
next month, and grab yourself an autographed copy!
Now that Bed & Bondage is out the
door, it's full speed ahead on Sweet Cheeks.

The plan is to have this project
available for your posterior-centric pleasure in 2007.

We're more than halfway through, and
we'll be pausing only long enough to tackle a private commission every
now and then--because they let us stretch our spindly legs,

Spider-Man and Morbius ©
Marvel Comics
Since we both grew up on superhero
comics and monster and sf movies, we're tickled pink to revisit those
themes any chance we get.

X-Men and Magneto © Marvel
Our commissioned works in the last few
months have run the gamut from pencil drawings to watercolors to
grayscale and color marker and airbrush paintings. (If you think you
might be interested in commissioning your own original, here are some details.)

Like American Idol, but for
diametrically opposite reasons, listening to Atlanta's the Cogburns
makes us want to drink and bust stuff up. If Justin and Kanye and Gwen
and Fergie make you want to reach for the claw hammer, we heartily
recommend this new cd, for which we were thrilled to supply the cover
Some of our favorite images from the
F&L pantheon are back as covers for Nick Pollotta's unstoppable
Bureau 13 franchise.

A laurel, and hearty handshake to the
designers at Wildside for the tasteful type treatment.

(Our cover for Nick's That Darn Squid God
remains everybody's favorite rendition of a giant cephalopod trashing
Victorian London.)

The B13 series steamrollers ever onward,
with at least two more F&L paintings tagged for projects in the
While Steve continues to blast away at
paintings for our next collection (see below), Rich will pack
up the F&L original art portfolios next month and head out
to San Francisco for Wondercon
2006. WC has been brought to you for a few years
now by the same folks who somehow manage to safely land the city-sized
zeppelin that San Diego Comic-Con has become, so a good
time should be had by all. If they can find a place to park.
If Rich remembers correctly from his days
as a vastly overpaid storyboard guy at Colossal Pictures, the
Bay Area doesn't exactly roll out the red carpet for purveyors
of female objectification, so we may switch out some of the babe
stuff for older material (e.g, Judge Dredd covers; an album cover
rough or two). Some of it. There'll still be plenty of
impetus for the odd derisive snort or harangue. And this might
be the time to mention that Rich is comfortable not only with
verbal abuse, but equal-opportunity exploitation as well. So
if you're coming, and scantily-clad fantasy chicks make you feel
icky, why not stop by his table in Artist Alley for a spicy sketch
of, say, Warlord, or Magnus Robot Fighter?
Speaking of album covers, we just touched
base with Intruder, who tell us that their debut Metal
Blade classic, A Higher Form of Killing, has just been
reissued. We did the cover art for that disk, as well as Escape
From Pain and Psycho-Savant--and you can see all three
images on the band's website.
(Below is the Escape From Pain image in T-shirt form.)

And speaking of escaping from pain (and
shifting gears so abruptly your molars may fly out the back of
your skull) work continues apace on the Sweet Cheeks

...a collection of brand new paintings,
the subject matter of which you'll have to divine for yourself
from these sneak preview vignettes

and those in our last update, below. Yes,
your girlfriend will be offended.
We're also gearing up for a second release
this year, in which we'll be returning--for the first time in
years--to the always-popular Haunted House of Lingerie
format. This collection, however, will feature a few less monsters
and a little more...restraint. If we're not all tied
up with other stuff (that college copywriting class is really
coming in handy now) F&L's Bed & Bondage, with
all-new drawings, paintings, and a story or two, will
be slouching your way this summer. And, yes, your gf will be
really offended.
As Criswell might say, "Important
future F&L things will be the future!"
Or to narrow it down: if our
heads don't explode and our publishers don't retire to the Caymans
like they've been threatening to do for the last five years,
we could be looking at two new F&L books out in 2006.
Book one:
Perhaps you've found yourself
saying (under your breath, of course, so as not to offend our
sensitive natures), "Why don't those maroons put out a collection
of brand new full page paintings? Of just smokin' fantasy babes--no
super-heroes or Hobbits (unless they're babes)...and with a suggested
retail price of $2.99?"
As it so happens, we're knee
deep in that very project right now.

The cover price is out of our
hands, but we're currently a little better than a quarter of
the way through a series of 40+ new marker and airbrush paintings
for Fastner & Larson's Sweet Cheeks, Vol. I, a piquant,
pin-up-y compendium slated for release next summer.

We've heard the attendance at
San Diego Comic-Con this year was something over 100,000. If
just half of you were to swing by the SQP booth in 2006
for your hot-off-the-presses autographed copy of F&L's Sweet
Cheeks, it would make the bus ride back to Minneapolis that much
more enjoyable.

The SQP boys like to keep their
friends close, their enemies closer, and their in-the-works projects
under their hats, but they've agreed to let us sneak these Sweet
Cheeks vignettes to, as they put it, "get the anticipatory
juices flowing".
As unhygienic as that sounds,
we'll have more for you as things get further along.
Book two:
This project is on the back burner
until we've gotten a little deeper into Sweet Cheeks (so to speak).
The book is in its formative stages, and will go in one of two
directions, either of which will be a little different in theme
and/or medium than what has come before in the F&L oeuvre.
We should have a few less vague things to say about it around
Little Black Book 3
is out, and we initially thought we'd celebrate by offering a
limited, signed bookplate of an unpublished F&L image with
each copy bought directly from us.
But a brief, heated confab with
our marketing vermin convinced us that variety is the
key to separating you from your discretionary income.
So if you haven't gotten your
LBB 3 yet, and you've ever said to yourself, "Yes, I
believe I"d enjoy owning an F&L
print, but there's not a chance in hell I'm forking over
$10 for one," see if this
might be to your liking.
We know: it's been six months.
Don't yell at us.
We've been away for a while (not
in rehab, as our enemies might suggest), doing what needed to
be done, and probably taking way too long to do it. Here's what
we've been up to:
F&L's Little Black Book Vol. 3! Twenty-two new paintings produced exclusively
for this collection! Untold months in the making!
The First Contact with a Jaw-Droppingly Clueless
Visitor from Another World Project. A graphic novel written
by Bob Keenan, drawn by Rich, and with an F&L cover. A sneak
peek should be on the publisher's
site in the not-too-distant future. But they have a vast
amount of product to pound into shape, so be patient.
We're crossing our fingers that
both of these must-have items will debut at Comic-Con in San
Diego. And speaking of cons...
Here's the F&L convention
schedule for the rest of 2005:
July 1-3 -- Convergence,
Minneapolis. The only other con this year where you'll find
both inmates of the F&L asylum wandering around without their
keepers. Attendees of Minicon 40 will confirm that the whole
is more entertaining than the sum of the parts, provided we slip
them a dollar. We'll have art in the Art Show, and prints in
the Print Shop. Please find us--day or night--and proffer a frosty
malt beverage.
July 14-17 -- Comic-Con
International,San Diego. Figure out how much money
you'll need, and bring three times that amount. Smoke will be
pouring out of the ATMs by Thursday night. Stop by and say hi
to Rich at the SQP booth.
August 5-7 -- Wizard
World Chicago. Rich should be in Artist's Alley; we'll
let you know for sure as soon as we do. (Meanwhile, unless you
enjoy $15 French Toast, you may want to book a hotel a few miles
away from the Rosemont Convention Center.)
September 2-5 -- Dragon*Con,
Atlanta. More costumes in the hotel lobby at 2 in the morning
than attendees at most other conventions. F&L is planning
to be in the Art Show with many originals and prints. Look for
Rich in the Artist Show or Artists Alley.
November 3-6 -- World
Fantasy Convention, Madison, WI. If you want to hob-nob
with fantasy writers, editors, publishers, booksellers, and one
of F&L's true aesthetic antipodes, the great Kinuko Craft,
this is the con for you. Rich will have a table in the Dealer's
Rich will be sketching, and selling
originals, books and prints at all cons. As always, free signatures
on anything and everything, so bring along those old Many
Ghosts of Dr. Graves.
Steve will be sequestered in
Minneapolis, catching up on a backlog of painting assignments.
Said backlog having occurred in part because...
Earlier this year, we moved our
studios across town.
One of the great things about
leaving a building that's a) housed a lot of art types for a
long time, and 2) about to be gutted and turned into lofts, is
the generosity knob gets turned up to 10. Lots of usable stuff
gets left behind, and if you can haul it, it's yours.
"Usable" doesn't necessarily
mean "good". We abandoned a massive, industrial strength
Art-O-Graph (Google it, you youngsters) because we only used
it a few times, and because trying to move it would likely have
put at least one of us in the hospital.
Heavy industry once abounded
in our former digs, and there was a lot of 40s and 50s tech just
lying around. Intercoms, desks, file cabinets, shelving, a stat
camera (again:Google)--all riveted together from nuclear-attack-grade
sheet metal. Our landlord gave us a light table building-like
enough to live under (an eventuality we artists always have to
keep in mind).
One of Steve's longstanding holy
grails is more storage for our originals. Specifically, flat
files. Good ones are hard to find and expensive. Our upstairs
neighbor and longtime friend, an always generous illustrator
who now works exclusively in digital, let us have two. We trussed
up and horsed those babies out of there.
We'd also accumulated 20 years
worth of our own stuff, a lot of it equally unwieldy. Moving
was a month's worth of Twilight Zone-like ineffectuality on our
part, which was about 26 days more than our initial worst-case
But now F&L World HQ is safely
ensconced on the eastern bluffs of the Mississippi, just off
the main campus of the University of Minnesota.
(Where you'll likely find us
volunteering for experimental research programs during our down
Check out twelve new gallery
images here.
It's virtually impossible to
catch Steve and Rich together at the same convention.
While the latter is careening around the
circuit, hawking product and living the high life in various
Motel 6's and Comfort Inns, the former is almost always tucked
away at F&L World Headquarters in Minneapolis, working on
a painting. He's the JD Salinger of the airbrush (sans the hefty
royalty checks. Or any royalty checks).
If you've got Easter Weekend (Mar 25-27)
2005 free, however, and you feel like spending it in glorious
Minnesota (and at this point we realize we've lost 99.5% of you)--Fastner
& Larson are scheduled to be Artist Guests at Minicon
Everything you've heard about this fabled
sf convention is true. Yes, during the glory years, it was a
miracle no one was killed. And yes, lately, it's been the perfect
convention to bring your parents to.
But with someone who (we know from personal
experience) really knows what he's doing as the new con chair,
and Terry Pratchett
as Guest of Honor, that should change next year.
As a bonus, Minicon 40 moves from the fairly
irritating downtown Hilton back to its original location, the
then-Radisson South-now Sheraton Minneapolis, a hotel far better
suited to enjoying Fandom's Rich Pageant.
We'll show a substantial number of large
originals (including interesting non-babe material) in the Art
Show, participate inarticulately in panel discussions, have a
table in the Dealer's room at which you can at long last get
Steve's signature on as many items as you can haul in, and probably
fail to behave as we ought at late night room parties.
If you were thinking about possibly attending
anyway, we hope this pushes you over the edge. One way or the
F&L's Little Black Book Vol. 2 is
a "Bud's Best" pick ("Out of all the new and coming
items in this catalog, these impressed Bud the most...")
in Bud Plant's latest (Winter 2004-05) Incorrigible Catalog.
If you're ordering other naughty stuff from this disreputable
publication, you can also pick up LBB 1 and 2, and Haunted
House of Lingerie 2 and 3.
F&l provided the cover for Nick Pollotta
and James Clay's new Victorian fantasy/adventure, That
Darn Squid God, published earlier this year by Wildside
The Squid God painting took "Best
Alien" in this year's
Dragon*Con Art Show.
Four new Wildside
editions of novels in Pollotta's Bureau 13Doomsday Exam, Judgment Night, and Full Moonster,
also sport F&L covers. series, including
If you're into RPG's and/or biker babes
from Hell (and doesn't that just about cover the male demographic?),
we've just created this
image for Blue Devil Games.
Rich has an ink-and-computer drawing in
Andre Duza's extremely disturbing new Deadite Press horror novel,
Dead Bitch
Army. You may want to pick this one up before
the new Attorney General is sworn in.
Embarrassingly, we started putting
this website together on April 4th.
But then, we have trouble building tacos.
If you remember the hominid and the obelisk in 2001, flailing
around with a thighbone--that's us and computers.
People have been asking about an F&L
page for a few years now, to which our standard reply has been,
"We're waiting to see if this whole 'internet' thing works
Since the web doesn't seem to be going
away, and since the window of opportunity for making hugely stupid
money on it has pretty much closed (standard F&L criteria
for any undertaking since day one), here we are--with substantial
assistance from SQP co-publisher and web doge Bob Keenan. The
check is in the mail, Bob.
Convention season is almost over (for us,
anyway--we have a lot of work to do between now and May or so,
and between the snow, cold and dark here in the frozen tundra,
we're going to be too depressed for anything else), but eventually
this page will list the half dozen or so shows we'll do in 2005.
As far as upcoming publications and products
are concerned, we're usually among the last to know (it's always
a thrill to walk into Barnes & Noble and find a painting
we did several years ago staring back at us from a new book cover).
If we find out about them, we'll let you know here, also.
We're among the eight people in the world
who don't have cell phones (see above). Nevertheless, a selection
of F&L images have been made available as screensavers for
these unholy devices, and you can check them out here.
In the 80's, we worked on a series of Marvel
superhero portfolios, including the Hulk. X-Men and Spider-Man.
We also finished paintings for the Fantastic Four (you can see
one of them in Little Black Book Vol. 2, and a sketch
for another on the Gallery page here), and a grayscale marker
study for the Avengers.
Those last two portfolios were never published,
but the Avengers image turns up on the cover of the November
issue of Roy Thomas' Alter